June 21, 2012

Community College Advantages

If you happen to be fortunate enough to live in a community that has a community college you should really make the time in your schedule to check and see what kind of classes they can offer that can help you advance your education and your career. You might be amazed at the different types of courses you can take even on the community college level. I know that I have found some of the courses that are offered and the degree of learning that takes place to be quite impressive. I think that many people who have in the past disregarded the important role that community colleges play in providing an affordable venue for learning will be quite amazed as well.

Community colleges have an undeserved reputation for inferiority when this could not be further from the truth. A good many of the nations nurses are products of community college educations. In many states, the associates degree nursing programs are quite rigorous and provide more clinical experience than most bachelor's degree nursing programs. This means that students graduating nursing school with an associates degree in nursing are often better prepared to deal with patient care than those who have the 'superior degree'. This by no means is meant to disparage B. S. Nursing students at all. In fact, most hospitals will not even consider you a candidate for an administrative nursing position unless you have the Bachelor's degree. This is only meant to point out that associates degree programs can be quite competitive and inclusive despite common misconceptions.

Of course there are other benefits to learning on the community college level, at least for the first two years of your education. One of those benefits that speaks volumes to me is the fact that teachers in community colleges are dedicated to teaching. They are not working on their own research or books. They are there for the purpose of helping you achieve your goals, which means you aren't an interruption in their pursuit of their own goals.

Community colleges also offer an excellent buffer for students who may not have been on top of their game academically in high school or those who are returning to college after a long absence from academia. You won't find the large auditorium classes on the community college level that major universities are famous for offering. You also won't find that teachers do not have time for their students. There is a lower teacher to student ratio in community colleges so that professors will have time to address the needs of students.

Another benefit is that even if you do not go on to get your four year degree after completing your community college education you will find that your earning potential is significantly improved over those who do not have at least a two-year college education. Research also indicates that students who complete a two-year degree program at a community college are more likely to finish and get a four-year degree than those students who begin their educational experience at a four-year university.

There are a few problems that can be associated with a community college education and you should take note of these so that they do not become a problem for you. First of all, some universities do not accept many of the courses that are offered on the community college level as transfer credits. Make sure that you know what courses are required for the university that you are planning to transfer to in order to avoid this. You also may find that you are limited on the courses you can take and the times in which they will be available. Make sure that you have all the limited courses well ahead of time so that you aren't taking another year of classes in order to graduate.

All in all, a community college education can be just as enlightening as a university education if you enter into the process with an open mind and a willingness to learn. I hope you take advantage of this much less expensive option before moving on to university courses if possible.

June 15, 2012

Track the Field to Athletic Scholarship

Many of the youth today are gifted with aptitudes in sports. Some excel in gymnastics, swimming, archery, while the others excel in football, golf, martial arts, track and field events, and the list goes on.

Nowadays, the youths agility to fulfill their passions comes with a bonus—athletic scholarship.

Athletic scholarships are specially designed for the students who excel in sports provided they will be able to acquire a good grade which is appropriate to the required scores of the organization who funded the scholarship. And of course, the talent that goes with the discipline a devoted sports person desires.

If you are one of these sports person who want to acquire the said scholarship, your initial step is to look for the college institutions or universities which present the academic program that suits to your interests.

However, you still have to note that educating yourself even thoughplaying sports. As you join a division, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons of attending either in smaller colleges or large institutions.

You may find yourself standing out though in a smaller college. You may also join in large institutions, but chances are you might find yourself just as an alternative to a lot of other athletes.

You must be aware that the sports played during college are not like playing in your school or in your local community. Before engaging here, you can consult first your trainer/coach if you're “good enough” to qualify for college sports already.

The level of play is very much different and so much competition has sent what was dubbed as great players in their community to mediocrity in this level.

There are two ways in presenting the athletic scholarship. First is through official applications. And the following is the scout’s recommendations who represents the colleges and who travels to assess players in various sports, looking for the players that possess star qualities.

If you aim to succeed, aim to excel in your sophomore year. Maintain high grades to meet the academic requirements. It is also advisable that you compile your accomplishments for being an athlete. Consult to your coach whether which sports you will be best fitted according to your abilities.

Also, be keen in selecting the school which offers an immense balance between sports and academics. Talk to a career guidance counselor; this may help you in choosing the subjects you can study so you can qualify not just in sports alone. Establish contacts among the coaches of the college where you are applying, in addition, and let them know that yoo are dedicated and eager to know more about their curriculum.

Most of all, show your best advantages like showcasing both academic and athletic accomplisments. Then cite that you are looking for a scholarship. It will also be an advantage if you would initiate in submitting the applications to the college where the coach you wanted to contact works, this will emphasize your enthusiasm on the program.

With all the colleges and universities that offer athletic scholarships for great athletes, your college education will never be too straining to your parent’s purse anymore. Instead, they will feel glorified of having a kid who can excel not just in sports alone, but also in academics.

Now, as you go on to your application, remember that handling the application sensibly matched with discipline are the best recipes to ensure full scholarship in college.

June 12, 2012

Online College Degrees Get More Popular

Increasing fuel costs, rising inflation, and continuing economic hardships have really made going to a formal college difficult and impractical. That is why more and more students these days are enlisting to earn online college degrees. Attending school through the Internet is now a viable and more attractive option for people who want to continue college education but who have not enough time and resources to do so. The online college programs are also perfect for people who could not afford to leave their formal jobs just to attend to school classes.

A recent study conducted by the Sloan Consortium has been one of the many research efforts that aimed to determine the extent by which people are getting to online college degrees. The study, just like all others, tried to see how popular earning college degrees via the Internet have become. The findings were not surprising and were literally logical and anticipated. The study was entitled ‘Staying the Course: Internet Education in the US.’ It was published in the country in November of 2008. It showed that Internet degree programs have become readily accepted as an important and practical way to attain tertiary education.

The report was actually part of an annual study. Sloan Consortium has been running the same research effort yearly since 2002. This has made tracking the volume easier and more accurate. In 2008, about 2,500 universities and colleges have contributed and participated as respondents to the study. The effort focused more on the nature as well as the overall extent of Internet education. Every year, it should be noted that the scope and coverage of the study is maintained. The interesting results are as follows.

The annual survey revealed that volume of enrollees in universities and colleges’ online degree programs have grown faster compared to enrolment in conventional or traditional tertiary institutions, 12.9% against only 1.2%, respectively. The study also estimated that more than 20% of tertiary students or about 3.9 million have enlisted in college-level programs or courses in the Fall season of 2007 semester. This caps the numbers game regarding volume of online college degree programs. It is expected that in the coming years, the number would further grow especially in the United States. More institutions are considering offering online college programs so it is expected that more students would take the opportunities.

What could administrative staff and faculty say about this trend? According to the study, those people see the rise of online college degrees as a positive development. That is because more and more students are given the chance to complete and earn college degrees despite all the odds. Online education systems are also becoming more in demand and are more developed to cope with the situation. Thus, in the coming years, expect that curriculums and systems of online college degrees would further improve and develop.

It is not surprising if in the future, almost all students in the college level are taking courses and programs online.

June 01, 2012

Improving Your Life With An Online College Degree

Everyone knows that education is important and that being knowledgeable gives you an edge in life. With the arrival of the Internet, continued education, once only the privilege of the rich, is now within affordable reach for the masses. Getting an additional college degree online is probably one of the best ways of improving your status in life. It doesn't just offer a chance for additional income but also increases a person's confidence and improves you mentally in a way that only new knowledge can do.

The boom in online educational programs is quite noticeable. Most large universities in the United States offer online programs and surveys say that there is twenty percent yearly increase in online course enrollments as opposed to the one percent increase found in traditional course. This boom is mostly because of the two things that online courses provide: flexibility in terms of time and money. A working or stay-at-home mother can quite easily undertake an online course in her free time that could help her land a job. Usual course lengths of twelve to eighteen months enable students to get through the courses quickly and yet at their own pace.

All of this is done at quarter of the price of the traditional course – the savings made by not requiring classroom attendance are immense and server space and bandwidth, the bread and butter of online courses, usually cost less than a hundred dollars a year, yet manage to service more than ten classrooms' worth of students. These savings are then passed on to the student. Those aren't the only things that the student saves on – transport fees, dorm fees and other sundry things that are usually the requirements of college life are practically non-existant.

With all that, why shouldn't you get one yourself? Here's a few tips to get you started on getting that degree:

1) Find out what degree you want. A lot of courses are available but you should choose something that you're interested in and that you would be motivated to learn about. Popular courses are usually computer-related since they are easy to explain via online lectures and examples.

2) Do a little canvassing. Online degrees can cost from a few hundred dollars to, at worst, several thousand dollars. It would be good to check and compare your options before enrolling. You can also check out if they're offering scholarships or if you're legible for financial aid.

3) Make sure you want to do this. This isn't the normal class where you are poked and prodded to do your best, You're practically on your own on this and you need the will and the drive to want to get that degree and to finish your course. Also take note that you have to be able to do the work for it: you may want to but if there are any extenuating circumstances that may delay or hinder your studies, better back off for now and not waste any money.

An online college can be the edge that you need in life to get success. It would be best to get one as soon as possible.