November 05, 2008

Current fashion trends for teen girls

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Today is a great time to be a teen girl when it comes to the wide variety of fashions that are available. There’s such a dazzling display of colors, patterns, and styles that it’s easy to get turned around and not know what’s popular any more. It’s also easy to lose track of the fact that our teen girls are still young women and that not all styles are appropriate for them to wear. The key is balance being fashionable with still being a teen and having fun being young.

The deconstructed look that has taken over teen boys fashion has also found it’s way over to the girls but with a feminine twist. Instead of pairing a faded shirt with a graphic tee a girl may opt to instead mix it up with a colorful cami showing a hint of lace. It’s still a comfortable casual style but gives a little more of a girlish touch to the look. Or, going the opposite way she may pair the graphic tee with a vintage blouse for a look that’s slightly sharper and not quite as casual.

The low rise jeans craze has also hit the female gender and has in fact gone a little bit further as girls jeans become lower and tighter than their male counterparts. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but can be taken to an extreme that is inappropriate for someone of that age. None really needs to see what underwear your teen daughter is wearing so care should always be taken to find jeans that fit well.

Capri's are also a popular look that lend themselves to wide range of possibilities. The nice thing about Capri is that they can go from being casual to being crisp and businesslike with just a change of top and accessory. Paired with a nice button down vest and sensible shoes they create a smart look that’s equally at home in both a classroom or at the mall for an afternoon shopping trip. On the other hand pair them with a tee or a halter top and a pair of wedge shoes and you have a comfortable casual look that she can wear hanging out with friends. The possibilities are only limited by the imagination and use of accessories.

Of course there is the ever popular skirt. Skirts never really go out of fashion they just change shape and size. This year the mini is yet again in fashion which has a lot of parents concerned. They just aren’t ready for their daughter to leave the house showing that much skin. Well, there’s a solution for the this problem that can keep both parents and daughters happy. That solution is the footless tights that are enjoying another year of popularity. These tights allow a teen girl to wear a skirt that by itself would be too short for modesty but with the tights it becomes both wearable and fashionable.

Dresses are also a very fashionable choice and there’s a wide range of dress styles to choose from. For casual wear the ever popular halter dress is always a good choice. Available in a variety of colors and lengths there’s sure to be one that will please even the most finicky teen girl. For more formal occasions the halter dress can be paired with a nice shirt or sweater giving it a more demure appearance that lends itself well to occasions where a halter dress by itself would not be appropriate.

One of the best things about fashion for teen girls is the variety and the color. The current trend of bright colors and bold prints makes for a more interesting fashion statement than in past seasons. Layers make for a moor versatile wardrobe that can be made up of less individual pieces so that it’s possible to go for quality instead of quantity. All of these things make is possible for a girl to really exercise her sense of individuality and create a look that is truly her own.

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