April 06, 2010

Common Online College Degrees Offered

In 2007, the Sloan Consortium stated that there are about 3.9 million people enrolled in different online college degrees and the figures are deemed to have increased for the last two years.  The characteristics of online college education proved to be beneficial for working, single parents and those who are disabled and not capable of moving from one place to another.

There are different types of college degrees and post-secondary education and training available.  Online colleges do not only offer bachelor’s degree, but they also offer certificate and diploma programs, associate degrees, and even ranging until Masteral’s and Doctorate degrees.

Certificate and diploma programs are often the same.  They would offer practical and theoretical knowledge about a particular area which may be valuable as an entry point for a profession.  Associate degrees, on the other hand, are undergraduate degrees which can be earned within 2 years.  Bachelors Degree offered in online colleges are no different from Bachelors Degree offered in traditional colleges.

The U.S. Department of Labor stated that 90% of the fastest-growing jobs in the country would require employees that have finished a college education. Most of the courses offered by online colleges and universities specialize in these fields.  Online courses would focus on the fields of art and design, business, computer science, culinary, education, engineering, legal, liberal arts, medical, nursing, trade and technology.

Here are some top online courses: 

• Bachelor’s Degree in English or Communication.
This course is  very flexible especially if you are unsure of your current career and thinking of changing career paths. Graduates could teach, be a writer or editor.  English and Communication graduates could also apply for secretarial positions, public relations officer and even venture into journalism and print media.

• Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration
One of the most flexible and versatile courses.  Graduates could land jobs in the field of business, accountancy and finance,  real estate and even advertising and marketing. 

• Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
Medical and healthcare fields are among the most popular choices for online courses.  If planning to practice nursing, then becoming a registered or licensed is important.  Hospital and clinical work are not only the available positions for registered and nursing graduates.  They could also perform administrative tasks, educator, researcher or consultant.

• Bachelor’s Degree in Education
Another important field which could lead you teaching positions whether for public or private schools and even in colleges. 

• Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences
Employment surveys and studies show that there would be an increase in the demand for computer programmers, data management specialists and other areas related with computer and technology.

These courses are offered to undergraduates and are just sample courses.  There are a lot courses not included here like Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Criminal Law, Information Technology, Hospitality and Restaurant Management, etc.  There are a lot of course offering which could easily fit to what you are interested in. All you need to do is start inquiring about online college degrees offered in different universities and be ready for success.

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