April 09, 2010

Continuing Education: Getting an Online College Degree

With the fast pace of change in the world today, it's sometimes feasible for a person get an additional education. Formerly, this would have meant you suddenly stopping work and going off to school, but nowadays, with the prepreponderance of the Internet, it is quite possible for a person to get himself an online college degree.

Sounds a bit fishy for anyone who's had a bit of traditional schooling, but distance learning via the Internet is currently in vogue right now. Online enrollments for classes have been increasing at a rate of twenty percent a year, rivaling the one percent increase in traditional schooling methods. The spread of high-speed Internet connections has enabled a boom in people who have a spare time to learn but conflict with normal classroom schedule.

Online classes are also incredibly cheaper, cutting down such costs as room maintenance and other costs that are found in traditional teaching methods. All in all, these factors have contributed to making a boom in the online college education industry. So there's no better time to work for that degree than right now. Of course, it's not all that easy to start with. Here's a few tips on how you start off.

You'll probably start off by looking for a college system that supports the particular field that you want a degree in. To be upfront, if you're interested in a field that requires a lot of labwork, then you probably will have some difficulty. The limitations of online education are very few but sadly, practical chemistry and other fields that require hands-on work are difficult to teach online. Most fields that you will quite easily find being offered are in the humanities: law, education, history and etcetera.

You'll also be looking for a college that isn't some diploma factory and has a good reputation. Several State University systems like the University of Phoenix offer courses and are highly dependable and an online search can pull up a list of accredited colleges in an instant. One of the advantages of this is you can easily canvass prices and compare degree programs without even sending out one e-mail.

After finding a degree program that suits you, it's better to find out more about it and yourself: the first question you have to ask yourself is are you dedicated enough for this? Remember, distance learning methods like online education require your dedication to succeed, since unlike a traditional college course you learn as fast you want to and have no one pushing you to attend daily classes.

If you can't discipline yourself to go on without encouragement, then it's better not to throw your money away. It may sound easy but your enthusiasm may dry up after the tenth time you're stuck reading notes and listening to an MP3 lecture. Also, take note if you have to attend an on-campus class – some of these courses require a once-a-month face-to-face session and testing. Check the dates and see if you can fit them in your schedule.

And there you have it, the bare bones of starting to get an online college degree. If you want to improve yourself, there's not better way than this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, yes there has been a tremendous increase in the enrollment for online degree courses. The obvious reasons are the ones mentioned in the article and among the few being that of convenience.
Continuing Education